Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monsoon Poon

It starts out like any other day. Slip on a shirt, slap on some shades & slop on the sunscreen.
We check out from the Nora Chewang hotel & triple check under the bed to make sure we have all our valuables.

Our next destination is a remote resort with a sister hotel at the southern end of Chewang beach that includes a free shuttle service.
Instead of paying a measly sixty bhat for a Songtow (local bus / a Ute with bench seats), we figure it'd be easier to walk the length of the beach & burn some calories.  It is a decision we soon regret.
Twenty minutes later, clouds suddenly appear & the sky turns black.
Droplets begin to fall.  Fully aware that it is the Monsoon season, we dash for cover & just make it to a shop front shelter as the heavens unleash their fury.
This downpour develops into a full blown typhoon of deafening thunder & sheet lightning.  By now the street dogs are all but quivering as are we.  
Three hours & many cigarettes later, the flood waters are rapidly rising & we are beginning to consider our options.  Many tourists attempt to drive scooters & cars through the water, predictably they flood their vehicles.

Do we wait it out & claim insurance or get wet & get through?
We decide the best option is to wade through the waist deep water up the middle of the road. That way we have less chance of slipping off the uneven Samui style curbs & plunging into a passport-less oblivion.
The sun seems to shine a glorious beam of light on the Kirikayan beach resort as we emerge drenched.
Like a lamb to it's ewe we are welcomed with open arms & are given a refreshing coconut mocktail, which replenishes our blood sugar levels.
So happy we could cry, the hotel arranges a four wheel drive to whisk us away from disaster to the hot tub of our five star penthouse suite.

On arrival we can't believe our eyes...

Just when you need a taxi they mysteriously vanish.

Next time, you can pedal.

3, 2, 1, splutter, cough, stall.


Hollywood super king

Bec: "how many rooms do we share this with?" Hotel Lady: "this is just for you, you in Thailand now!"

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